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Gate City Gardening: Blood Meal-5 lb

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Gate City Gardening: Blood Meal-5 lb

Product Details
Brand: Gate City Gardening

Apply blood meal in spring as soon as you see plant growth. Re-apply every 2 to 3 months thereafter until the growing season is over. Use 1 to 2 lbs. per 100 square feet. A 2-lb. application is considered a heavy feeding; until you become familiar with this product, apply just 1 lb. per 100 square feet. You can also use blood meal as a side-dress; but, again, err on the side of using less rather than more, since measurements for side-dressing are not precise.

Because using blood meal is not without its risks, it is best to use it as a fertilizer only when needed. Yellow leaves are often an indicator of nitrogen deficiency. These weak leaves cannot take up nutrients through photosynthesis which makes an application of blood meal a good solution for restoring the plant to health.

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